


  • 雲端管理 (私有雲, 公有雲及混合雲)

   – 提供全天候跨雲端平台的實時洞察和性能分析。


  • 雲端遷移 (實體伺服器到虛擬伺服器,虛擬伺服器到雲端,雲端雲端)

   – 提供在實體伺服器,虛擬機和雲端之間遷移所需的專業和安全服務。


  • 基礎架構的雲端服務 (IaaS)

   – 以月費型式服務為客戶提供處理,存儲,網絡和各種基本雲端上運算資源,以部署和執行各種軟件,例如操作系統或應用程序。


  • 網絡安全管理



  • 電子郵件安全服務

   – 服務在於當每封電子郵件發送到用戶的郵件服務器之前對其進行過濾和清理。


  • 主動電腦病毒防護

   – 主動監控病毒動態防止攻擊系統,並在病毒和惡意軟件造成更多損害之前將其阻止。


  • 端點管理

   – 在適當的時候向設備推送補丁,並確認已執行策略和合規性法規,以防止網絡攻擊。


  • 數據銷毀解決方案

   – 通過可驗證的數據擦除程序,為數據安全提供最後一道防線。

Cloud Solutions

  • Cloud Management (Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud)
    – Provide real-time insights and performance analysis across multiple clouds aound the clock.


  • Cloud Migrations (Physical-to-Virtual, Virtual-to-Cloud, Cloud-to-Cloud)
    – Provide secure, professional service you need to migrate in between your server machines, Virtual machines & Cloud.


  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
    – By monthly subscription basis, provide consumers with processing, storage, network and various basic cloud computing resources to deploy and execute various software such as operating systems or applications.

Information Security

  • Network Security Management
    – Gain insight into network-wide threats while ensuring the security and general health of your network.


  • Email Security Service
    – Filter and sanitize every email before it is delivered to your mail server.


  • Proactive Virus Protection
    – Proactive monitoring prevents virus attack incidents to your system and stop viruses and malware before they can do any more damage.


  • Endpoint Management
    – Prevent cyber attacks by pushing patches to the devices at the right time, and confirming that policies and compliance regulations are enforced.


  • Data Erasure Solution
    – Provide a last line of defense for data security with certifiable data erasure.



Long Data 致力為香港,澳門,中國和泰國等地提供一站式 IT 解決方案服務。我們的客戶涵蓋不同規模和行業。展望未來,我們會致力開發各種電腦平台的創新解決方案,並探索新的商機。

一隊充滿活力,注重成果的團隊,這就是 Long Data 最大的資產,如果沒有我們的員工,這一切都是不可能的。 隨著公司發展方向,對專業銷售和技術支援人才需求日漸增加,現誠摯地邀請你加入我們。

成為 Long Data 的一員!



我們致力提供高質量的培訓和發展計劃,以幫助員工提高他們的生產力和績效。公司定期組織針對不同工作類別的內部培訓計劃,以提高生產力或提升客戶服務水平。作為地區領先的 IT 公司之一,我們還不時提名員工參加與工作相關的專業培訓課程/計劃,以提升他們的工作知識或為不久將來的職業發展做好準備。



最佳團隊 Best Team -肯定和獎勵對公司作出貢獻的部門和團隊

十大傑出員 Best Ten – 授予全年表現出色的員工



LD Club 由公司贊助的員工俱樂部,為 Long Data人員組織活動,為員工充一充電,讓團隊更加團結。








  • 業務可持續性運作管理

   – 維護業務應用程序系統恢復過程,並協調業務功能和流程的恢復。


  • 災難復原管理

   – 當發生災難時快速恢復關鍵業務信息。


  • 數據備份及復原管理

   – 服務主要提供設計,實施和管理數據備份和恢復策略,以保護數據庫免受數據丟失並在數據丟失後重建數據庫。

IT運營, 技術支援及維護服務

  • 網絡管理

   – 透過管理保持網絡日常運行,減少因事故網絡停機時間。主動監控可防止對基礎架構造成重大影響業務的事件。


  • 網絡產品生命週期管理

   – 通過部署管理計劃獲得最大的網絡設備性能,縮減網絡中斷並防止生產力損失和預算超支。


  • 硬件維修及技術支援

   – 修復出現故障或已發生故障的設備硬件,並提供有關技術問題的支持。


  • IT資產管理及軟體授權管理

   – 有系統地管理公司內應用軟件的許可證和與IT相關的硬件。 與客戶分析和建立一個最佳的ITAM計劃。


  • 資訊系統項目管理

   – 通過服務制定一個可行項目管理模式,使計劃實施與期望的業務成果保持一致成果。


  • 人才外判服務

   – 承擔尋找最佳職位人選的重擔。


  • 搬遷服務

   –  透過我們的服務可以助您成功地完成任何地方的搬遷計劃。


  • VDI解決方案
    – VDI是一種簡單,多合一桌面虛擬化解決方案,可為任何規模的企業提供桌面虛擬化的優勢。


  • HCI解決方案
    – HCI解決方案將核心存儲,計算和存儲網絡功能折疊到單一軟件或設備當中。


  • SD-WAN解決方案
    – 方案提供在使用較少寬帶的同時,為數據傳輸和應用程序提供更大的靈活性。


  • 系統/應用程序/網絡遷移服務
    – 提供所需遷移技術和供應商產品相結合的解決方案,並與新舊設備和應用程序無縫集成。


  • 網絡基礎設施設計
    – 提供有關網絡基礎架構架構策略和路線圖的設計。


  • 網絡優化
    – 通過部署優化技術,取得最高的網絡運作性能。


  • 網絡更新
    – 實現具有成本效益的建議於升級網絡基礎架構,並支援當前和將來的需求。


  • IT相關設備更新
    – 實現具有成本效益的建議於投資與IT相關的最新硬件設施。

Long Data特意投資於創新數碼技術,包括 : 雲端存儲,VDI解決方案,IT基礎架構產品和各類型管理解決方案,在決定性時刻為企業,組織和政府部門提供相關支援。

VDI as a Service on LD Cloud – 限時優惠



Long Data Care

  • 硬件上門維修服務



Integrated Solution

  • STRATUS Edge Computing Solution
  • SANGFOR Firewall Solution
  • RUIJIE Wifi & DCN Solution
  • BLANCCO Data Erasure Solution



Integrated Solution – SANGFOR中西合壁多重防火牆


Long Data Technology Limited

香港 (總公司)

Unit A, 5/F, Joy Fat Factory Building, 483F – 483G Castle Peak Rd, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

香港九龍長沙灣青山道483F – 483G號再發工廠大廈5樓A室

General Line電話總機 : (852) 2528 1200
Fax傳真: (852) 2528 0626
Email電郵 : [email protected]
Sales Hotline銷售熱線 : (852) 3156 7368
Sales Dept. Email銷售電郵[email protected]

香港 (倉庫)

Unit A, 5/F, Joy Fat Factory Building, 483F – 483G Castle Peak Rd, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

香港九龍長沙灣青山道483F – 483G號再發工廠大廈5樓A室


Long Data Technology (Shenzhen) Limited

Room 808, 8/F., Shenhua Commercial Building, No.2018 Jia Bin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, China


General Line電話總機 : (86) 0755-2389 4262

Fax傳真 : (86) 0755-2395 3565

Postal Code郵政編碼: 518005


Long Data Technology (Macau) Limited

17-Andar-D, Edifício Da Associação Comercial De Macau, Rua De Xangai No.175, Macau


General Line電話總機 : (853) 2857 5054

Email電郵 : [email protected]

Long Data Technology (Thailand) Limited

ลองดาต้า เทคโนโลยี (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด

382 อาคารไนซ์ 2 ชั้น 5 ห้อง 5/5 ถ. รัชดาภิเษก แขวงสามเสนนอก เขตห้วยขวาง กรุงเทพมหานคร 10310

382 Room 5/5, 5th, Nice 2 Building, Ratchadaphisek Rd, Samsen Nok, Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310

Main Reception : +66 (0) 2-029-1789

Call Centre Hotline : +66 (0) 2-030-1927

Long Data Technology (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Suite 10.12A, Level 10, Menara Trend 68, Jalan Batai Laut 4, Taman Intan Klang, 41300 Selangor Malaysia

Long Data Technology (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

1 Reffles Place #21-01, One Raffles Place, Singapore 048616





Long Data長期以來一直回饋社區並為有需要的人提供支援,我們的義工隊共創了志願服務和公民參與的文化,他們透過在工餘時間參與社會服務活動,各義工隊員為改善社區和有需要的人貢獻努力。


  • 香港視障視全人士協會 (Care the Visually Impaired)


  • 捐助職業訓練局 (VTC)「優秀企業實習獎學金」項目 (2015 – 2018)

Long Data 為致力培育香港年輕新一代優秀人才,在2015 至2018 年間捐助職業訓練局成立的「優秀企業實習獎學金」項目,該獎學金由一班企業家和僱主每年慷慨捐助而成立,鼓勵學生們積極參與企業實習,並嘉許在商業或公營機構實習期間表現傑出的學生。

  • 捐助全港大專生機械人大賽 2019

為喚起公眾(尤其是大學生和中學生)對工程學及資訊科技的興趣和認識,Long Data 透過捐助該賽事平台,讓香港學生與其他國家 / 地區的工程系學生交流經驗。





  • 世界自然基金會 (WWF) – 地球一小時  (2016 – 2020)
Long Data今年再次參與世界自然基金會舉辦的世界最大地球運動(地球一小時),在3月28日晚上8:30關燈一個小時,共同展示對地球更美好未來的承諾。去年有135個國家合共數億人參加了此次活動,我們希望您今年也能加入行列,團結起來取得更大的成就。
  • 認證為香港綠色機構  (2016 – 2021)
Long Data 被認證為香港綠色機構,該認證旨在鼓勵參與者採用不同方面的環境實踐,並認可我們在綠色管理方面取得實質性成果,及對環境的努力和承諾。


  • 香港無煙企業  (2017 – 2020)



國際級 – 標準安全控制

Long Data在鞏固資訊安全管理和雲端服務控制方面取得巨大成就,於2017年獲得英國標準協會(BSI)頒發的資訊安全管理國際標準(ISO/SEC27001:2013)和雲端服務安全控制國際標準(ISO/SEC27017:2015)認證。

我們是香港科技業第二家同時通過ISO27001和ISO27017認證的企業,這不僅說明Long Data的資訊安全標準和雲端服務控制已經達到國際標準水準,還顯示了公司對於卓越的孜孜追求。將透過提供專業的IT解決方案,延續在推廣安全可靠的資訊環境方面的成功。





5星級華為 Certification Product Enterprise IT 認證企業服務合作夥伴及

5星級華為 Certification Product Data Communication 認證企業服務合作夥伴


華為授權企業合作金夥伴 (Certification Plan Asia Pacific Gold Partner)

華為授權泰國 – 企業合作夥伴 (Authorized Enterprise Partner)


銳捷網絡 (Ruijie Networks )認證香港合作夥伴


在過去十,Long Data致力提供先進的IT解決方案,為客戶提生產力,降低成本,實現更好的業務成果。

我們很榮幸能夠獲得以下獎項和為專業認可 :



Year Milestones
2020 Awarded BOCHK Corporate Environment Leadership Awards – 5 years+ EcoChallenger
Awarded Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship logo 5 years+
Awarded Caring Company 5 years+
2019 Launch of Long Data Technology (Thailand) Limited
Obtain “Happy Company 5 years+” logo from Promoting Happiness Index Foundation
Obtain “Hong Kong Corporate Smoke-Free” logo from The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon
2018 Winning of HKAEE – Silver Award (Service and Trading)
Awarded BOCHK Corporate Environment Leadership Awards – 3 years+ EcoChallenger
Awarded ERB – Manpower Developer Award
Awarded Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority – The Good MPF Award
2017 Winning of Social Capital Builder (SCB) Award
2016 Awarded HKAEE – Certificate of Merit (Service and Trading)
Awarded Caring Company
Awarded BOCHK Corporate Environment Leadership Awards – EcoChallenger
Awarded Family-Friendly Employers Awards – Family-Friendly Employer
Winning of HSBC Living Business Awards – Green Achievement Award -Certificate of Merit and Caring for People Award – Certificate of Merit
Commended for active participation in “Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged”
2015 Awarded HUAWEI – Best Products Coverage CSP 2015
Achieved EICC Validated Audit Process (VAP)
2014 Launch of Long Data Technology (Shenzhen) Limited
Achieved ISO 20000-1:2011 IT service Management System Certification
2011 Achieved ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certification
2010 Become member of The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business Limited
2008 Joined World Wide Fund for Nature
Elected Member of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
2007 Launch of Long Data Technology ( Macau ) Limited
2006 Achieved Top Ten of IBM Supplier Performance
Establish of Long Data Workshop and Warehouse
2004 Establish of Long Data Delivery Team
Formation of Long Data Technology Limited


  • 客戶滿意度永遠是我們的第一要務
  • 我們提供的不是一般預設服務,而是經量身定制的服務和解決方案
  • 我們定價靈活兼提供高質量的服務
  • 我們尋找與客戶間長期的合作夥伴關係


能益有限公司 (Long Data)是提供多項IT服務的公司。客戶可從以下種方式獲益


Long Data團隊由100多名IT專業人員組成,背後並得到眾多認證銷售專家,解決方案顧問和合格工程師的支持,透過交付給客戶明確的預設服務水平協議(’SLA’),確保我們提供的服務得到依據和嚴格安全監控。並可以從我們獲得ISO認證證明了這一點:

ISO / SEC27001:2013(信息安全性)
ISO / SEC27017:2015(雲服務的安全控制)


通過提供各種創新解決方案來滿足客戶的需求。 憑藉我們專業IT技能和知識,量身定制的各項解決方案,包括從開始計劃,設計,實施,測試,技術支援,培訓和保養等服務。




Long Data積極為1,000多個商業客戶提供服務,包括金融服務和保險,貿易和商業,運輸物流,公用事業,電信以及政府部門。客戶包括香港賽馬會,香港醫院管理局,星展銀行,NNR全球物流和泰國IMPACT展覽管理有限公司等。我們與許多客戶已超過5年以上合作夥伴關係和獲得良好的滿意度,這與我們和許多其他業務夥伴一樣 長期合作,共建持久的夥伴關係。




Long Data 擁有一支高素質,及以客戶為導向的 IT 專業人員團隊,一直認真地提供有效應對用戶環境的 IT 產品和解決方案,因此我們可確保客戶們在營運上取得成功。


隨著業務擴展,Long Data 在香港,澳門,中國和泰國等地設有辦事處,在擴展該地區的新業務基地的同時,也確保能支援客戶的業務需求。


Long Data Technology(“Long Data”)是一站式IT解決方案提供商,並擁有100多名員工。本集團在中國,香港,澳門,泰國, 馬來西亞和新加坡等地,屬於當地領先IT服務公司之一。

Long Data Technology provides IT solution to enterprises in Asia Pacific, including China, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand & Malaysia.

Customer Satisfaction is always our first priority | Tailor Made Services and Solutions

Flexible Pricing | Long Term Partnership

Here are five ways your business can benefit:

See what we can do


- VDI解決方案

- HCI解決方案

- SD-WAN解決方案

- 系統/應用程序/網絡遷移服務

- 網絡基礎設施設計

- 網絡優化

- 網絡更新

- IT相關設備更新

IT運營, 技術支援及維護服務

- 網絡管理

- 網絡產品生命週期管理

- 硬件維修及技術支援

- IT資產管理及軟體授權管理

- 資訊系統項目管理

- 人才外判服務

- 搬遷服務


- 業務可持續性運作管理

- 災難復原管理

- 數據備份及復原管理


- 網絡安全管理

- 電子郵件安全服務

- 主動電腦病毒防護

- 端點管理

- 數據銷毀解決方案


- 雲端管理

- 雲端遷移

- 基礎架構的雲端服務 (IaaS)


Long Data is investing in particular in digital innovations — Cloud storage, VDI solution, IT infrastructure products and stewardship solutions — technologies that support businesses, organisations and governments in their decisive moments.


VDI as a Service on LD Cloud – Limited Time Offer

^Promotion Period: from 1st March to 31st May, 2022


Long Data Care – Special Offer

  • Hardware Maintenance Service


Integrated Solution

  • STRATUS Edge Computing Solution
  • SANGFOR Firewall Solution
  • RUIJIE Wifi & DCN Solution
  • BLANCCO Data Erasure Solution



Integrated Solution – SANGFOR中西合壁多重防火牆



International Standard Service Quality Monitoring

Long Data Technology Limited have successfully been awarded extra ISO/IEC27001:2013 and ISO/IEC27017:2015 certificate by British Standards Institution (BSI) for the provision of Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and additional information security controls to customer.Our ISO  certification not only demonstrates our ongoing commitment to compliance with globally recognized best  practices, but also confirms that we have a highly accurate cloud service system.

Our Company have developed and implemented a Quality Management System and an IT Service Management System to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide services to exceed clients” expectations. By focusing on  Continual Improvement,
Evaluation of Improvement and Implementation of Improvement Actions are ways to set up our  criteria for a long-term development.



Long Data Technology Limited has been authorized as Premium Distributor and Service Provider in Hong Kong & Macau.


Long Data Technology Limited has been certified as 5-star Huawei “Certification Product Enterprise IT” and 5-star Huawei “Certification Product Data Communication” .

Long Data Technology Limited has been authorized as Huawei “Certification Plan Asia Pacific Gold Partner”.

Long Data Technology Thailand Limited has been authorized as Huawei “Authorized Enterprise Partner” in Thailand.

Long Data Technology Limited has been authorized as Certified Partner of Ruijie Network Co., Ltd in Hong Kong.

Job Listing

Job Title  Post Date
 IT Service Desk Engineer

Job Duties & Responsibilities:-

  • Perform daily IT helpdesk and troubleshooting support at desktop level to the company internal users
  • Perform Install, move, add, changes (IMAC) in computer and related peripherals including phones, printers and other devices, etc
  • Maintain and update IT software/hardware inventory records
  • Perform ad hoc projects as and when required


Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree holder in IT or related fields
  • At least 3 years relevant working experience, with FSI experience is an advantage
  • Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese
  • Good communication skills
  • ITIL certificate is an advantage


 Oct, 2019

 Customer Service Admin


Job Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Provide General Office Administrative support
  • Contact end users to make appointment and scheduling
  • Answering enquiry and telephone calls
  • Document filing
  • Updating information on computer systems


Job Requirements:

  • Form 5 or above
  • Basic PC knowledge, Excel and Word processing
  • Polite and good telephone manner
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills


 Oct, 2019

 Service Engineer / service Engineer Trainee


Job Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Provide first-tier onsite IT support services to end users
  • Onsite troubleshoot hardware and software issues of end user equipment including PCs, Printers or other related equipment
  • Carry out IT projects including PC operation system installation and migration, software and hardware installation and equipment relocation
  • Report and follow up the problem status until problem has been solved.


Job Requirements:

  • Form 6 or above
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Applications (MS Office, MS Outlook, Internet Explorer) and operating systems
  • Good customer service skill, client focused and interpersonal skill
  • Cert/Diplomaholder in Computer Studies, Information Technology, or related qualifications is preferred
  • With one year experience in field support is preferred
  • Fresh graduates or candidates with less experiences will be considered as Service Engineer Trainee


Oct, 2019

Project Engineer / Project Engineer Trainee


Job Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Install PC operation system, and perform data migration
  • Install PC software and hardware
  • Handle equipment relocation projects, disconnect and reconnect PCs, monitors and other hardware peripherals
  • Update IT asset records


Job Requirements:

  • Form 6 or above
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Applications (MS Office, MS Outlook, Internet Explorer) and operating systems
  • Good customer service skill, client focused and interpersonal skill
  • Fresh graduates or candidates with less experiences will be considered as Project Engineer Trainee
  • Full Time / Part Time are also considered

 Oct, 2019


We offer an exceptional benefits package and the opportunity to work in a challenging and stimulating environment. Please submit resume with expected salary and availability to us by e-mail to  [email protected]



Careers at Long Data

Welcome to our regional recruitment site

Long Data is dedicated to providing advanced technology solutions  and a one-stop IT solution providers in Hong Kong, Macau, China and Thailand. Our clientele covers organizations of various sizes and from different business sectors. Looking ahead, we are committed to further developing innovative solutions across various computer platforms and exploring new business opportunities.

All this would not be possible without our employees, a dynamic, results-oriented team of people that are Long Data greatest asset. Aligned with the growth of our sales professionals and technical expertise, we now cordially invite high caliber individuals to join us.

Be part of us!

We offer rewarding work environment, career advancement opportunities and generous fringe benefits to the right candidate.

Training & Development

We are committed to providing quality training and development programmes in order to help our staff enhance their productivity and performance. The Company regularly organises in-house training programmes for different job categories for productivity or customer service enhancement. Being one of the leading IT companies in the region, we will also, from time to time, nominate our employees to attend job-related professional training courses/programmes to update their job knowledge or to prepare for further career growth in the near future.

Reward & Recognition

We are in the service business; making people one of our major assets. As such, we believe in showing recognition and appreciation to exceptional performers.

The overall objectives of the Best Team are to recognize and reward business units and teams for their achievements, initiatives and contribution to the company. The Best Ten is granted to staff that have demonstrated excellent performance throughout the year. A Monthly Award scheme is designed to recognize and reward outstanding staff in a timely manner.

Employee Events

LD Club is a company sponsor Club which organize activities for Long data Staff to recharge their batteries and make staff grow closer as a team.

MPF Scheme

Manulife Global Select (MPF) Scheme


Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme



Business Continuity & Availability

  • Business Continuity Management
    – Maintaining the business application system recovery procedures and coordinating the recovery of business functions and processes.


  • Disaster Recovery Management
    – Recover critical business information quickly in the event of a disaster.


  • Backup and Recovery Management
    – Provide principal duty is to devise, implement, and manage a backup and recovery strategy for protect the database against data loss and reconstruct the database after data loss.

IT Operations, Support & Maintenance

  • Network Management
    – Keeps your network daily operating, Proactive monitoring prevents major business-impacting incidents to your infrastructure. Minimize downtime in your network.


  • Network Lifecycle Management
    – Gain maximum network equipment performance with the deployment planning, reduce network disruptions and prevent loss of productivity and budget overruns.


  • Hardware Maintenance & Technical Support
    – Breakfix the hardware that is failing or has failed and provide support on technical issues.


  • IT Asset & Licenses Management
    – Daily and long-term strategic management of software licenses and technology-related hardware within the organization. Analyze, model & produce your best ITAM plan.


  • Project Management IT
    – Align deliverables with your desired business outcomes by utilizing customizable IT project management Services.


  • IT Staffing
    – Delegate the burden of finding the perfect match on hiring.


  • Relocation
    – Our domestic moving services can help you plan a successful relocation anywhere.

Business Solutions

  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Solution
    – VDI is a simple, all-in-one desktop virtualization solution that delivers the benefits of desktop virtualization for any size business.


  • Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI) Solution
    – HCI collapses core storage, computing, and storage networking functions into a single software solution or appliance.


  • SD-WAN Solution
    – Provide greater agility for your data transfers and applications while using less bandwidth.


  • Migration Service on System / Applications / Network
    – Provide solution that meshes with all technologies and vendor products, seamlessly integrate with both new and legacy equipment and applications.


  • Network Infrastructure Design
    – Provide design on network infrastructure architectural strategy & roadmap.


  • Network Optimization
    – Gain Maximum Network Performance with the Deployment and Operation of Optimized Technologies.


  • Network Refreshment
    – Realizing a cost-effective propose to upgrading network Infrastructure to that support current and future needs.


  • IT Equipment Refreshment
    – Realizing a cost-effective propose to invest up-to-date IT related hardware facilities.

With offices in Hong Kong, China, Macau, Thailand, Malaysia & Singapore, Long Data supports its customer’s business needs as they expand into new operating bases around the region.

Long Data Technology Limited

HONG KONG (Head Office)

Unit A, 5/F, Joy Fat Factory Building, 483F – 483G Castle Peak Rd, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

香港九龍長沙灣青山道483F – 483G號再發工廠大廈5樓A室

General Line電話總機 : (852) 2528 1200
Fax傳真: (852) 2528 0626
Email電郵 : [email protected]
Sales Hotline銷售熱線 : (852) 3156 7368
Sales Dept. Email銷售電郵[email protected]

HONG KONG (Warehouse)

Unit A, 5/F, Joy Fat Factory Building, 483F – 483G Castle Peak Rd, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

香港九龍長沙灣青山道483F – 483G號再發工廠大廈5樓A室

Long Data Technology (Macau) Limited


17-Andar-D, Edifício Da Associação Comercial De Macau, Rua De Xangai No.175, Macau


General Line電話總機 : (853) 2857 5054

Email電郵 : [email protected]

Long Data Technology (Shenzhen) Limited

Room 808, 8/F., Shenhua Commercial Building, No.2018 Jia Bin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, China


General Line電話總機 : (86) 0755-2389 4262

Fax傳真 : (86) 0755-2395 3565

Postal Code郵政編碼: 518005

Long Data Technology (Thailand) Limited

ลองดาต้า เทคโนโลยี (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด

382 อาคารไนซ์ 2 ชั้น 5 ห้อง 5/5 ถ. รัชดาภิเษก แขวงสามเสนนอก เขตห้วยขวาง กรุงเทพมหานคร 10310

382 Room 5/5, 5th, Nice 2 Building, Ratchadaphisek Rd, Samsen Nok, Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310

Main Reception : +66 (0) 2-029-1789

Call Centre Hotline : +66 (0) 2-030-1927

Long Data Technology (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Suite 10.12A, Level 10, Menara Trend 68, Jalan Batai Laut 4, Taman Intan Klang, 41300 Selangor Malaysia

Long Data Technology (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

1 Reffles Place #21-01, One Raffles Place, Singapore 048616

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is high on the agenda of Long Data. We support the protection of the environment, care for and make contribution to the communities in which we operate.

Community Services

Long Data has a long history of giving back to the community and supporting people in need. A culture of volunteerism and civic engagement is generated in our staff. Through participating in social service activities after working hours, our staff members contribute to the betterment of the community and the welfare of the less fortunate and needy.


  • Care the Visually Impaired

Apart of financial support, we have donated I.T. equipment and provide I.T. support service to help the Blind Association for further development since 2009.

  • VTC Design Education Fund Donation  (2015 – 2018)

The education fund was established by a group of entrepreneurs and employers who cultivated a new generation of talents each year.

  • Sponsor of  Robocon 2019 Hong Kong Contest

To arouse the interest in and awareness of engineering and IT among the public, in particular university and secondary school students and provide a valuable chance for local students to exchange engineering experiences with students from other countries/ regions through the international contest.


Environment Protection

Support sustainable development of the environment and Develop an environmental plan to address the latest local/global environmental trends.


  • WWF – Earth Hour (2016 – 2020)
Long Data once again joins forces with WWF on its Earth Hour 2019 campaign. Participate in the world’s largest single campaign for the planet which starts by turning off your lights for an hour at 8:30 pm on March 28 in a collective display of commitment to a better future for the planet. Think what can be achieved when we all come together for a common cause. Last year, hundreds of millions of people across 135 countries participated, and we hope you will join us this year.
  • Recognised as Hong Kong Green Organisation (2016 – 2021)
Long Data is recognised as Hong Kong Green Organisation, The certification aims to benchmark green organisations with substantial achievement in green management, to encourage participants to adopt environmental practices in different aspects and to recognise us efforts and commitments to the environment.

Health of Employees

  • Smoke-Free Company (2017 – 2020)

We have implement to smokefree workplace to protect the health of our employees, which is awarded to be Hong Kong Corporate Smoke-Free Logo and Certicate by the Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon.


Awards and Recognition

Over the past 15 years, Long Data has strived to provide our customer leading-edge, advanced IT solutions to raise productivity, lower costs, achieve better business outcomes and we adhere to the quality of our services while taking into account the sustainable development of our society .

We are proud to be recognized for these efforts with the following awards and recognition :



Year Milestones
2020 Awarded BOCHK Corporate Environment Leadership Awards – 5 years+ EcoChallenger
Awarded Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship logo 5 years+
Awarded Caring Company 5 years+
2019 Launch of Long Data Technology (Thailand) Limited
Obtain “Happy Company 5 years+” logo from Promoting Happiness Index Foundation
Obtain “Hong Kong Corporate Smoke-Free” logo from The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon
2018 Winning of HKAEE – Silver Award (Service and Trading)
Awarded BOCHK Corporate Environment Leadership Awards – 3 years+ EcoChallenger
Awarded ERB – Manpower Developer Award
Awarded Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority – The Good MPF Award
2017  Winning of Social Capital Builder (SCB) Award
2016 Awarded HKAEE – Certificate of Merit (Service and Trading)
Awarded Caring Company
Awarded BOCHK Corporate Environment Leadership Awards – EcoChallenger
Awarded Family-Friendly Employers Awards – Family-Friendly Employer
Winning of HSBC Living Business Awards – Green Achievement Award -Certificate of Merit and Caring for People Award – Certificate of Merit
Commended for active participation in “Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged”
2015  Awarded HUAWEI – Best Products Coverage CSP 2015
Achieved EICC Validated Audit Process (VAP)
2014 Launch of Long Data Technology (Shenzhen) Limited
Achieved ISO 20000-1:2011 IT service Management System Certification
2011 Achieved ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certification
2010 Become member of The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business Limited
2008 Joined World Wide Fund for Nature
Elected Member of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
2007 Launch of Long Data Technology ( Macau ) Limited
2006 Achieved Top Ten of IBM Supplier Performance
Establish of Long Data Workshop and Warehouse
2004 Establish of Long Data Delivery Team
Formation of Long Data Technology Limited

Our Mission

  • Customer Satisfaction is always our first priority
  • We offer Tailor made services and solutions, rather than a standard and rigid services
  • Offering flexible pricing with high quality services
  • We are looking for a long term partnership rather than a once off task

Why Choosing Us

Long Data is multi-functional. Here are four ways your business can benefit:

High Quality Services

Long Data team of over 100 IT professionals is backed up by scores of certified sales experts, solution consultants and qualified engineers.

Long Data governed by well-defined Service Level Agreements (’SLAs’) predictability of service performance delivered to customers is thus guaranteed.  This is demonstrated by our attainment of ISO certification:

ISO/SEC27001:2013 (Information security)

ISO/SEC27017:2015 (Security controls for cloud services)

Tailor Made Services and Solutions

Long Data answers customer’s needs through provisioning of a wide range of innovative solutions. With our professional IT advice and skills, we tailor made service and solution from planning, design, implementation, testing, technical support, training and maintenance support.

Flexible Pricing

Long Data provide flexible pricing scheme, helps customers to control cost, reduce risk, increase productivity and business efficiency.

Long Term Partnership

Long Data is looking for a long term partnership rather than a once off task. Long Data is actively serving over 1,000 business customers, including Financial Services and Insurance, Trade and Commerce, Transportation and Logistics, Utilities and Telecom as well as Government. Satisfied clients include Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hong Kong Hospital Authority, DBS Bank, NNR Global Logistics and Thailand IMPACT Exhibition Management Co. Ltd, etc. Many of our clients have been with us for more than 5 years, just as many of our business partners enjoy enduring relationships with us.

A single point of accountability for flexible and collaborative access to a broad range of IT services.

Our Core Services


Long Data Technology (“Long Data”) is a one stop IT solutions provider and one of the leading IT service companies in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, employing over 100 staff in Long Data Group.

Long Data Technology provides IT solution to enterprises in Asia Pacific, including China, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Malaysia & Singapore.

Customer Satisfaction is always our first priority | Tailor Made Services and Solutions

Flexible Pricing | Long Term Partnership

Here are five ways your business can benefit:

See what we can do

Business Solutions

- Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Solution

- Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI) Solution

- SD-WAN Solution

- Migration Service on System / Applications / Network

- Network Infrastructure Design

- Network Optimization

- Network Refreshment

- IT Equipment Refreshment

IT Operations, Support & Maintenance

- Network Management

- Network Lifecycle Management

- Hardware Maintenance & Technical Support

- IT Asset & Licenses Management

- Project Management IT

- IT Staffing

- Relocation

Business Continuity & Availability

- Business Continuity Management

- Disaster Recovery Management

- Backup and Recovery Management

Information Security

- Network Security Management

- Email Security Service

- Proactive Virus Protection

- Endpoint Management

- Data Erasure Solution

Cloud Solutions

- Cloud Management

- Cloud Migrations

- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)