Long Data Technology emerged into the ASEAN region in 2019 by setting up its first subsidiary in Thailand, and then established the Malaysian branch in 2021. We endeavor to offer professional and reliable one-stop-shop IT Business Solutions, IT Technical Support, IT Maintenance Services, and Cloud Solutions.
Riding on the good occasion which the APEC 2022 Meeting was held in Bangkok in November 2022, our CEO & Chairman, Mr. Alex Hung, was being interviewed by several media from Hong Kong during their visit to Bangkok, where Mr. Alex had shared his experience and insights as a business investor in Thailand and his views on IT and AI development trend in Thailand and the region. At the same time, Mr. Alex Hung, is also the Director of the Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association, he updated the situation of other businesses managed by Hong Kong people in Thailand as well.
Long Data 在2019年開始進軍東南亞市場,並在泰國開設第一間東南亞分公司,及後在2021年開設了馬來西亞分公司,致力提供IT商業系統方案,IT技術支援維護服務以及雲端方案。 適逢APEC 2022 亞太經濟合作會議在曼谷舉行,Long Data 首席執行官及主席 洪港志先生在泰國曼谷接受了幾位來自香港傳媒的訪問,分享了其在泰國經營生意的經驗,並以泰國香港總商會會董的身份, 更新了一些香港人在泰國的經營情況 。
New TVB: 近年不少本港新興行業赴東盟覓商機 貿發局稱提供多方面協助
881903: 泰國香港總商會會員續增-港商疫下轉危為機
i-Cable: 港科企看準「泰國4.0」土地稅務優惠 斥資8億在泰設分公司 冀三年內上市